When Traveling With Kids Is The Adventure
Teaching your kids about the world and having fun while doing it
I wanted to take a minute to share my top tips for traveling with kids! I am no expert, but I do have three kids of my own, and we have started traveling both domestic and internationally a few years ago with them. While it looks a little different than it did pre-kids, it is the best thing we have done with our family. It has helped us all better to connect to each other, teach our children about different places and cultures, and find the adventure and fun in our everyday life! Over the course of the years, we have learned a thing or two about surviving plane rides, restaurants, etc. Here are some things we have learned:
- The biggest tip I can provide is to adjust your expectations. A trip with children will not look like what it did pre-kids. Once you embrace that, and learn to adjust expectations, things become easier. You may need mid day breaks, nap breaks, more meal breaks than usual- but there will be way more wonderment and curiosity! There is nothing like seeing the world through the eyes of your kids.
- Accomodate for mid day downtime. Every family is different, so find a schedule that works for you, but downtime is key. My kids are early risers, so we get an early start. By mid day, after lunch, they love having downtime to watch TV, use tablets, or just to rest.
- Embrace a little extra snacks, or foods they normally wouldn’t have at home. Essentially- pick your battles! It really helps the kids feel like they are doing something special with you.
- Remember to stay in the moment! As parents, when we travel with kids, we tend to keep more schedules and planning, because we have to! Don’t forget to take a minute to step back and appreciate what you are doing- giving your kids an experience they will remember forever. It’s pretty amazing!
When we began to share the world and our love of travel with our kids, we immediately noticed positive things in our kids. Giving them a world view of different cultures and ways of life, first hand, has absolutely made them better little people. And we know they will carry these experiences with them forever! And for us, as parents, still being able to experience the adventure, just in a different way.
I am happy to share more about our experiences! Any questions, just send me an email!